My French Club

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Music as a Learning Tool

Perhaps you've been in the following situation:

You've spent a great amount of time trying to help your child learn something new, but it's just not sticking. He may seem like he's tired of trying to learn whatever it is you're trying to teach him at the moment, and you may feel exhausted yourself. You've heard "I'm bored" and "Can I play?" more than you'd care to admit. Maybe you've just heard yet another unrelated question.

Next time you find yourself in that kind of situation, try this: integrate music into your approach.

Music can have a profound effect on one's learning experience. Sometimes thought of as a universal language, it can be an invaluable means of conveying a message, and has been proven to provide the listener with many benefits related to learning.

Music has the potential to:

- create a positive, welcoming environment
- prevent tediousness in studies
- enhance attention
- improve memory and retention
- be a source of joy
- develop and encourage imagination
- alter brain wave states
- be a healthy way of releasing tension
- develop team work skills (in groups)
- enhance culture studies
- improve vocabulary and pronunciation (in language arts studies)
- develop feelings of empathy
- improve pattern recognition skills

Music can be a great tool for memory.There is a desirable state called Alpha State in which vocabulary and facts become much more easily absorbed. Studies have shown that one way to achieve this state is by listening to a piece of music from the Baroque period, with a tempo of 50-80 beats per minute.

A good device for multi-sensory learning, music can be listened to, moved to and read.Music promotes self-expression.When children listen to music, they respond to it in ways that are unique to them. Each child will sing and move to the music in his own way. Reading readiness skills are developed when young listeners appreciate words and the fact that they can take the form of print.

Music can be a source of self-worth if a child feels good about singing or dancing, being able to keep up with a song, or remembering its lyrics and melody. Fluency can be developed by listening to, imitating and, naturally repeating words and phrases set to music even if they don't know what they mean. They can build on phrases learnt through music and modify them to create different meanings.

Music helps children think in a mathematical way as it allows them to count and appreciate time. Children can develop their pattern recognition skills and make guesses about how the music will progress. Physical co-ordination skills are enhanced as children move, clap and dance to music. Also, when children sing, they must control their breathing.

At My French Club, children develop their teamwork and social skills particularly during the Singathon and Movathon program as well as the "LOL :) Learning Out Loud" program. In this way, music unites the children and fosters a sense of community.

There's one thing we cannot deny: words are powerful!

Strategically set them to music and let the magic begin!

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