Try using these words to encourage your child in their studies or in improving their behavior. They will appreciate your efforts in trying to connect with them in a different language. It also shows that you value French at home and that you are recognizing his/her efforts. Good luck!
- Magnifique! (Magnificent!)
- Fantastique! (Fantastic!)
- Formidable! (Tremendous!)
- Superbe! (Superb!)
- Bravo! (Bravo!)
- Super! (Super!)
- Sensass! (Sensational!)
- Excellent(e)! (Excellent!)
- Exceptionel(le)! (Exceptional!)
- Tu as bien fait! (Well done!)
- Parfait(e)! (Perfect!)
- Merveilleux/ Merveilleuse! (Marvelous!)
- Trés bien réussi! (Very successful!)
- Bon travail! (Good job!)
- Bonne idée! (Good idea!)
- Bon/Bel essai! (Good try!)
- Félicitations! (Congratulations!)
- Tu as (absolument) raison! (You are (absolutely) right!)
- C’est beaucoup mieux! (Much better!)
- C’est beau, continue! (Continue, it’s beautiful!)
- Beau progrés! (Great progress!)
- Génial! (Great!)
- Pas mal! (Not bad!)
- Je suis fier de toi! (I am proud of you!)
- Trés chouette! (Very nice!)
- Continue comme ça! (Keep it up!)
- Bon effort! (Good effort!)
- Tu t’améliores! (You are improving!)
- Allez top là! (High five!)
- Quelle réussite! (What a success!)
- C’est ce que tu as fait de mieux jusqu’à présent! (This is your best to date!)
- Sympa! (Nice!)
- Impressionant! (Impressive!)
- Incroyable! (Incredible!)
- C’est exact! (Exactly!)
- Tu as compris! (You understand!)
- Tu y es presque! (You’re almost there!)
- Fabuleux! (Fabulous!)
- Tu fais vraiment des progrés! (You’re really making progress!)
- Tu es un ange! (You’re an angel!)
- C’est ça! (That’s it!)
- Tu fais vraiment de ton mieux! (You’re really doing your best!)
- Tu réussis beaucoup mieux aujourd’hui! (You’re doing much better today!)
- Bien pensé! (Well thought out!)
- C’est mieux que jamais! (This is better than ever!)
- À te regarder faire, cela semble facile! (To watch you makes it look so easy!)
- C’est exactement comme cela qu’il faut faire (This is exactly how you do it!)
- Tu y es presque! (Almost there!)
- Hourra! (Hurray!)
- Épatant! (Splendid!)
Wow what a wonderful list - thank you for sharing this :D I am raising my children to be bilingual by speaking non-native french to them... and your blog and web site are real gems!!!
ReplyDeleteHello, great list ! I'll use the English terms for Owen ! The n°10 isn't correct used like this. You can say "tu l'as bien fait" or "tu as bien fait ton travail" but if you say "Bien fait", it means that you deserve what's happening to you (and it's never something good !). I would say "Bon travail". Laure