My French Club

Friday, October 5, 2012

How do I help with his French Homework?

This is a recurring question that we get from parents. The French Immersion program is catered to parents whose first language is not French. So because parents cannot understand the homework given to their children, teachers usually review the questions and explain the concept before sending the kids home with the homework.

Some suggestions that could be helpful are:

-To have different tools available at home such as an English-French dictionary, a Bescherell which is a book listing a verb conjugation manual and a French spell-check option on the word processing program.

-Encourage having a French reading buddy. Your child could meet after school or call a classmate to read together, to practice a dialogue or even to clarify the homework instructions

-Reading in your mother tongue or in English is very important. The skills of reading will transfer into French. We encourage parents to enjoy a nice book together, imagining the end of the story, writing about it. Reading should be enjoyable and would create a bonding experience between the parent and the child

Source: Central Ontario East Consultants’ Association, French Immersion Handbook For Parents

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